Florida Senior Living Association is consistently in the forefront of public policy issues facing senior living communities. As a member of FSLA, you can expect the association to advocate on your behalf, support and protect the profession, and continuously work to achieve positive changes in the industry.
We work extensively with legislators, their staff, and the executive branch; we develop relationships with stakeholders and the media; and we engage our members in grassroots contacts with their legislators. In today’s fast-paced political and policy climate, you can trust that the association staff is passionate, dedicated, and willing to work tirelessly to influence public policies that best meet your long-term goals and interests.
ALLOW TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES in the provision of care, safety, and security for residents, staff, and thecommunity, including wander and staff risk management.
Secured FL Department of Health’s commitment to work with ALFs to ensure RESPONSIBLE SUPERVISION OF SWIMMING POOLS without unduly burdensome regulatory requirements.
Updated 20+ year old FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODES, allowing for widened hallways, fire-rated doors and new/updated construction guidelines for new communities – while still allowing communities to opt-into remaining with the existing codes.
CREATED A 30-DAY INITIAL LICENSURE POLICY initiative to create an expedited initial licensure process for ALFs.
Extended SURVEY TIMEFRAMES for limited nursing services licensed communities.
Reduced the limited mental health licensure requirement from 3 to ONE RESIDENT.
Challenged and WON AN EMERGENCY RULE requiring the installation of generators within 60 days – which resulted in the removal of references to resident rights, reduced the amount of fuel storage, reduced the square footage required to be cooled, expanded the implementation date and created a waiver process for additional time beyond the stated implementation date.


Allowed ALFs to ADMIT OR RETAIN RESIDENTS THAT NEED ASSISTIVE DEVICES - devices designed oradapted to help a resident perform an action, task, an activity of daily living, a transfer, prevention of a fall, orrecovery from a fall.
Removed the requirement for ALF staff assisting with the self-administration of medication to READ THE LABEL OF THE MEDICATION TO THE RESIDENT, allowing staff to confirm the medication is for the residentand inform the resident of the medication name and dosage.
Allowed the USE OF CERTAIN PHYSICAL RESTRAINTS IN ALFS, including, full-bed rails and geriatric chairs-if the resident wants the restraint and can manipulate the restraint independently.
Allowed ALFs to admit residents who are BEDRIDDEN if they are bedridden for no more than 7 days, or nomore than 14 days for an ALF licensed as EXTENDED CONGREGATE CARE.
Allowed ALFs to admit residents THAT REQUIRE 24-HOUR NURSING CARE, or residents that are ALREADY RECEIVING HOSPICE SERVICES, if the arrangement is agreed to by the community and the resident, additional care is provided by a licensed hospice, and the resident is under the care of a physician whoagrees that the physical needs of the resident can be met at the community.
FOUGHT to ensure that ALF visitation requirements remain meaningful, and pursuant to ALF visitation policies and procedures.
What FSLA's Legislative & Regulatory
Successes Mean to You!
Staff Success
Secured $500,000 Grant for FSLI’s CNA On-the-Job Training Program, to provide FREE CNA TRAINING for ALF staff.
Brought awareness to and secured the support of the Governor's Office and the Legislature that health care providers needed an EXEMPTION FROM THE PROHIBITION ON COVID-19 PASSPORTS for patrons and customers.
Allowed nurses in limited nursing services licensed communities to PRACTICE TO THE FULL SCOPE of their license.
Expanded SELF-ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION activities for trained unlicensed staff members. Also clarified duties of CNA’s that work in ALF and Home Health settings when assisting with the self-administration of medication.
Prevented passage of a bill for two years in a row that would have unnecessarily LICENSED ALF providers, CHARGED AN ANNUAL FEE for administrator licensure, and created a board made up of non-ALF providers which would have been able to FINE AND REMOVE LICENSEES for offenses determined by the board.
PUBLISHED close to 100 COVID-19 Updates and over 20 Member Rapid Communications and held weekly Zoom calls with all ALF providers, including non-FSLA members, to provide the latest information and timely updates.

Enhanced Marketplace

Extended the limitation of liability of ALFs from COVID-19 CLAIMS through June 1, 2023.
Secured an additional $5 MILLION IN STATE FUNDING for Medicaid Assistive Care Services.
Provided the state with more tools to CRACK DOWN ON UNLICENSED ALFS, reducing regulatory burdens on ALF providers to reduce potential litigation impacts.
Prohibited a utility from CHARGING ABOVE THE ACTUAL EXPENSE incurred by the utility for the installation and maintenance of automatic fire sprinkler systems in an ALF.
Developed a statutory framework for CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES that ensured qualified management and improved early warning signs for solvency issues, improved the process for handling resident complaints and providing notice, revised licensure and acquisition requirements, and revised the escrow and reserve requirements.
FSLA was successfully involved in NEGOTIATING THE REMOVAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL PROPOSAL 88 which would have removed the cap on punitive damages and would have eliminated the use of arbitration agreements in ALFs, and in supporting legislation to abolish Florida's Constitutional Revision Commission.
Challenged and WON AGAINST COSTLY AND BURDENSOME ALF RULES that resulted in the rules being withdrawn from consideration.
To the extent allowed by law and consistent with its 501(c) 6 tax-exempt purposes, the role of FSLA in government relations, public policy, and advocacy is to:
Communicate the association’s position to elected or appointed officials and their staffs in the legislative, judicial and / or executive branches of government at a local, state, or national level;
Keep members aware of information related to public policy initiatives; and
Assist policymakers and their staff by providing working knowledge, sharing expertise and serving as a valuable resource to provide accurate and timely information.
We can't do this without your continued financial support!

Governor Ron DeSantis (R)
Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez (R)
Office of Governor Ron DeSantis
State of Florida
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St. | Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
Phone: (850) 717-9337
Email Governor DeSantis
Website: www.flgov.com
Find your State and Federal Legislators
Florida House of Representatives
Congressional Representation: Florida Department of State